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3D Printing Technologies

Polychromatic 3D Printing Technologies

By Pastor Samuel Aka

It is obvious that additive manufacturing is taking the centre stage of modeling. Be that as it may, invention is expected to begat invention so as to ensure steady growth and development. 3D printing technologies is gradually phasing out monochromatic 3D printers with the invention and usage of polychromatic 3D printers. The need for more colorful modeling of complex geometrics has given birth to the rise of multicolor 3D printing machines.  

This is made possible by tech think-tanks who deem it fit to take a giant step in the invention of 3D printing devices having the mechanism to make use of wide range of filaments at the same time.  This wide range of filament has to do with the blending of multiple colors to produce prisms of colors.  Not many of these types of 3-D printing tech for modeling are in use at this point in time. This can be attributed to additional cost required to purchase one when compared to the commonly available type.  

An image of 3D printed complex geometry

Photo File Credit: 3dprintingindustry.com

The invented fanciful polychromatic 3D printing technologies is available in various shapes and sizes based on purpose and not for fancy alone. It can adequately serve as home fabrication tool for multi-color 3D items as well as for industrial printing. Most of these types of 3D printers are built to perform adequately with a 3D printing technique known as Fused Filament Fabrication. Otherwise known as Fused Deposition Modeling, it can be best described as an additive manufacturing device with the capacity to make items from the adhesion of materials like aluminum metals, thermoplastic and thermodynamic plastics. This simply implies, it places layers of materials with similar characteristics together in a very high temperature to make solid free form modeling.

An image of schematic fused filament fabrication process

Photo File Credit: researchgate.net

Additionally, polychromatic 3D printing devices available in the market today have characteristics like printing with polyjet system, inkjet system and multi-extruder system. The following explains a little on the listed above characteristics of polychromatic 3-D printers.

Polyjet Printing System

Photo File Credit: photo3000.com

This is a system with multi-material capacity to deliver a high resolution 3D printing of well defined model. The reason why it is called poly-jet is because it functions by JET-ting layers that are photo-POLY-mer in nature to create models which can be used instantly. It is perfect with designed materials emanating from 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD). Polyjet 3D printing system is capable of delivering accuracy above 0.3mm. So anyone in dire need of a 3D prototype with artistic aesthetics will be better off with polyjet printing tech.

Inkjet Printing System

Photo File Credit: blog.conercatridgedepot.com

Available for both domestic and industrial 3D printing, inkjet printing system is a polychromatic 3D printing technologies which operates effectively with major components like nozzle and an enclosed ink-filled chamber.

Multi-Extruder System

Photo File Credit: 3printer.com

This type of polychromatic 3D printing technologies alternates between two material spools while printing one after the other. Colors and materials are better blended with the aid of two or more extruders and of course, nozzles.

About the Author:

Pastor Samuel Aka is a Christian Clergy, a business consultant with Middle East B2B, and a prolific writer since 2010.

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