DA/UMG Foundation introduces its avant-garde Romantic Magnus Opus (RMO) book publication program, in the domestic/overseas marketplaces. DA seeks to invite and register 200 bookstores/publishers, nationwide, to become semi-exclusive distributers of its proposed 250 Romantic Magnus Opus (RMO) romantic/social cause unpublished editions in the public domain.
Magnus Opus' master manuscript comprising 5000+ romantic/social cause narratives will be published in hard cover editions of 8 separate mini editions of up to 200 poems per edition for publication/distribution and offered in the domestic/overseas marketplaces, after registered book store/book publisher/members are selected under contract. A maximum of 5 book store/publisher members shall be selected in each of the 50 State (250 total) to limit each member's profitability dilution. Exclusive members are projected to sell 500K of the collective editions annually, allowing them to earn an average of $8.7M sustainable annual gross profits per store.
The 8 Magnus Opus editions/titles will comprise up to 200 poems. The titles are: Silver Editions; Gold Editions; Platinum Editions; Collector Editions, Dedicated Editions; Personalized Editions; Special Occasion Editions; Corporate Ad Editions. In addition, personalized gift Birthday Editions/Anniversary Editions are offered, along with each book store name brand and State imprinted on the copies to inhibit interstate cheating, while allowing optimal monetization income of the work for members.
The material is offered for sale to the public only through registered book store/publisher members selected within the 50 States; the book will not be offered in electric format on the Internet. We intend to embrace the traditional physical hard copy book form presently and in the future. Each register Magnus Opus book store/publisher/member shall receive complementing annual $40K cash advertising advance per store, within 45 days, after each 6-monthly editions are introduced in the domestic/overseas marketplaces.
Interested book stores/book publishers are requested to properly read the attached self-explanatory Magnus Opus publication program and then complete the Application Form at the back of the package and return it in a timely manner for immediate attention. DA reps will receive 3 collective fees, collectively averaging $37,504 monthly or $450.050, over 12-months for each recruited book store/publisher.
Franklyn Smith, Marketing Director
Diamond Access Inc
JAF Box 8344, New York, NY 10116