Program Information--June, 2017| EARN COMMISSION
Dear Business Associate,
We have many new and updated programs which you may use for yourself or offer to your clients and earn substantial commissions.
They are all described in our updated list of programs which you may request.
Programs include many high yield trading private placement programs,
Small Cap Trade Programs, Bank Instruments for Sale and Lease, Loans, Currency Purchase,
Petroleum Products for Sale, Gold Wanted to Buy, Monetization Programs, Sugar for Sale and others.
The most recent updated or new programs which we will be happy to send to you
#6--Wanted to buy TOV Boxes. Will pay $20 Billion each
#11--Non Recourse Loans-available worldwide against many different assets $50 million and up.
#19a--Slightly Seasoned MTN for Sale--Large quantities available
#19b--PPP-$1 million minimum and up. Starts with 10 to 14 day bullet paying 300% Can be repeated over and over again.
#20a-1--Well established USD provider seeks to buy Euro, Bolivar, Iraq Dinar, RMB and HKD
#92--Petroleum Products for sale at greatly reduced prices
#94a--Monetization and Trade of owned, leased and assigned bank instruments.
#94b--Trade Program for owned, leased and assigned cash funds--$10 million minimum
#96--Brazilian Sugar for Sale at excellent low prices
#116k--Small Cap Program for $4 million and up--Earns 100% per 10-15 day trade cycle.
Can be repeated over and over again for up to 5 years.
Charles E. Krauser, President
Disclaimer: International Enterprises is not a United States Securities Dealer or Broker or U.S. Investment Adviser. All due diligence is the responsibility of the
potential user of a program. The information in this bulletin is not to be considered as a solicitation of investment funds or a securities offering.
This information is confidential, legally privileged, private, is not a contract and is intended only for those who may benefit from the information contained within.
Information contained herein was accurate at the time it was written but is subject to change without prior notice.