LETTERS TO THE EDITOR We are always looking for intelligent comments on our magazine, either pro or con, as well as suggestions or corrections. Letters should be brief and to the point. There is no payment. Send to hteditor@hightimes.com.
FEATURES This includes a long feature story or a feature-length interview. Word length ranges from 1,500 to 3,000. Interviews should consist of an introduction to the subject followed by a Q&A-style interview. Rates are $500-$1,000. To submit a feature article or query contact hteditor@hightimes.com.
GROW All grow stories are usually dependent on quality photos. We are especially interested in new equipment and techniques for indoor cultivation. Article/photo packages are greatly appreciated. We’re interested in how-to’s for both the novice and the advanced grower. See feature rates above. Contact edit.grow@hightimes.com
HIGHWITNESS NEWS We are always interested in getting field reports involving the drug war, and well as local current events that may be of interest to the cannabis community. Most news stories are 500 words or less, although we do run longer news features than can be up to 2,000 words. Send your queries and news articles to hteditor@hightimes.com.
PHOTOS HIGH TIMES is known for great marijuana photography. Most of our photographers are either staffers or long-time contributors. However, we are always looking for excellent photos. Rates are $50-$400 per photo for magazine usage. However, cannabis photos that are submitted for Pix Of The Crop or for online usage do not receive payment, unless that is a specified requirement for usage by the submitting photographer. Photos for publication should be sent to edit.photos@hightimes.com.
ILLUSTRATIONS HIGH TIMES occasionally publishes illustrations to accompany articles as well as stand-alone comics. Rates are $100-$500, depending on size and/or length. Contact hteditor@hightimes.com
WHAT WE’RE NOT LOOKING FOR Short stories; Fiction; Poetry.
THE RULES If an article is submitted unsolicited we reserve the right to not publish the article and will not be required to make any payment for the submission. If the article is accepted, the contributor will be contacted.
If an article is suggested in a query, it is up to HIGH TIMES and the contributor to reach an agreement. HIGH TIMES can either reject the query, assign it “on spec” or assign it for publication. “On spec” means that HIGH TIMES reserves the right to reject the article and will not be required to make a payment for the article. If HIGH TIMES assigns the article, a contract will be sent and must be signed by both parties. If HIGH TIMES rejects the assigned article, a 20 percent kill fee will be paid.